Digital Aircraft Assembly Process Technology Simulation and Visualization System
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1. School of Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou City, China
2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
American Journal of Aerospace Engineering (Science Publishing Group)
9 : 2
Md Helal Miah, Jianhua Zhang, Abdullah-Al Muin. Digital Aircraft Assembly Process Technology Simulation and Visualization System, American Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2022 , pp. 33-38. doi: 10.11648/j.ajae.20220902.12. Share Research.
The main purpose of the digital aircraft assembly process is to ensure the high assembly accuracy of aircraft products, flexibility and reduce the assembly time. Also, reduce the assembly and manufacture error of tooling (Jig/Fixture) design for particular aircraft products. Generally, the aircraft product assembly process is complex, and it performs through the assembly and disassembly process. Regarding the complexity of the aircraft product assembly process, this research illustrates the systematic analysis of the simulation and visualization technology for the aircraft assembly process. This research introduces key technologies and solutions to realize the aircraft's assembly process visualization system. Then assembly simulation environment is implemented based on virtual reality modelling language (VRML), network, assembly process simulation, and visualization of assembly process documents. The digital aircraft assembly process technology has been divided into simulation and visualization systems in this research. The simulation process includes manufacturing factors, assembly objects, assembly sites, process equipment, tools, and devices. The visualization system visually processes the assembly simulation results and then outputs the processed results in the workshop workplace. It includes the related simulation results and adds necessary text technology to make it easier to understand the concept using visualization techniques to process the results. The research has practical value in the modern aircraft industry to propose an aircraft product simulation process based on computer-aided 3D design.
Aircraft Assembly, Assembly Process Simulation, Visualization of Assembly Process Documents, Virtual Reality Modelling Language
The main purpose of the digital aircraft assembly process is to ensure the high assembly accuracy of aircraft products, flexibility and reduce the assembly time. Also, reduce the assembly and manufacture error of tooling (Jig/Fixture) design for particular aircraft products. Generally, the aircraft product assembly process is complex, and it performs through the assembly and disassembly process. Regarding the complexity of the aircraft product assembly process, this research illustrates the systematic analysis of the simulation and visualization technology for the aircraft assembly process. This research introduces key technologies and solutions to realize the aircraft's assembly process visualization system. Then assembly simulation environment is implemented based on virtual reality modelling language (VRML), network, assembly process simulation, and visualization of assembly process documents. The digital aircraft assembly process technology has been divided into simulation and visualization systems in this research. The simulation process includes manufacturing factors, assembly objects, assembly sites, process equipment, tools, and devices. The visualization system visually processes the assembly simulation results and then outputs the processed results in the workshop workplace. It includes the related simulation results and adds necessary text technology to make it easier to understand the concept using visualization techniques to process the results. The research has practical value in the modern aircraft industry to propose an aircraft product simulation process based on computer-aided 3D design.
fathima jilna - 1 month ago